“All my life I’ve been lucky. Not that I made money,”
Lucky - Louis Jenkins | Berocca Tablets
The Poem
Lucky - Louis Jenkins
All my life I’ve been lucky. Not that I made money,
or had a beautiful house or cars. But lucky to have
had good friends, a wife who loves me, and a good
son. Lucky that war and famine or disease did not
come to my doorstep. Lucky that all the wrong
turns I made, even if they did turn out well, at least
were not complete disasters. I still have some of my
original teeth. All that could change, I know, in the
wink of an eye. And what an eye it is, bright blue
contrasting with her dark skin and black hair. And
oh, what long eyelashes! She turns and with a slight
smile gives me a long slow wink, a wink that says,
“Come on over here, you lucky boy.”
The Beverage
Berocca Tablets
Are you aware of these?! A few years ago, my friend Colleen got me hooked. They’re B vitamins and caffeine in a little citrus-flavored tablet, which doesn’t taste too bad, and if I wake up feeling sluggish (daily) or hungover (less often, but let’s be honest, it takes many fewer drinks for me to feel hungover these days), I just have one of these babies and it’s a nice little pick-me-up. For instance, last night, I had four drinks, which knocked me a little back this morning, but a Berocca, a breakfast burrito, and a cup of coffee got me through a lovely holiday weekend hike. I would suggest you invest in a package or two.