“and yet am thankful, mostly”

Little Prayer In November - Lee Rudolph | La Colombe Draft Latte

The Poem

Little Prayer In November - Lee Rudolph

That I am alive, I thank
no one in particular;
and yet am thankful, mostly,
although I frame no prayer

but this one: Creator
Spirit, as you have come,
come again, even in November,
on these short days, fogbound.

The Beverage
La Colombe Draft Latte

You can get them in a can at the Whole Foods or on tap at the La Colombe. Both are good. Creamy, cold, caffeinated. Truly, that’s all I ever am looking for in a beverage. My roommate and I drank the vanilla canned ones on Thanksgiving Day, and they fueled cooking. It was lovely. I would like to be woken up with one tomorrow because I can’t believe I have to go to work.

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