“our great country of money, we (forgive us)” We Lived Happily During The War - Ilya Kaminsky | La Croix - Cran-Raspberry
"Sweet Jesus, my life is hateful to me." Or Death and December - George Garrett | Pok Pok Som Drinking Vinegar - Ginger
"I could leave my loneliness behind with the old year." It would be neat if with the New Year - Jimmy Santiago Baca | Not Champagne
“ease the strange hollowness we feel” / “So in closing I send you our love” Christmas Night - Conrad Hilberry / The Christmas Letter - John N. Morris | Eggnog (optional: with brandy)
"and we hope - across the most strange year to come -" Minnesota Thanksgiving - John Berryman | New Glarus Coffee Stout
"and yet am thankful, mostly" Little Prayer in November - Lee Randolph | Kevita Cleansing Probiotic Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic: Turmeric Ginger