“sun on cold snow.”

Poem - Ron Padgett | Island Orchard Pear Cider

The Poem

Poem - Ron Padgett

I’m in the house.
It’s nice out: warm
sun on cold snow.
First day of   spring
or last of   winter.
My legs run down
the stairs and out
the door, my top
half   here typing

The Beverage
Island Orchard Pear Cider

Right now, I am sitting here typing, shoulder to shoulder with a darling friend. Last night, we lay on my sectional, her head near my knee, watching TV while I knitted. We were both drinking Island Orchard Pear Cider. Earlier in the night, I had made the decision to “get into sake now,” but the cider what was in my fridge, so it’s what we were drinking at midnight-one-two o’clock as we plowed through multiple episodes of The Americans and Veep.

Similar to the reason I am “getting into sake,” I liked that this cider was balanced between sweet and dry, with a bit of a tart bite. This is the extent of comments I can make related to palate. Basically: it’s good. Also, it is from Door County so some solid Wisconsin legitimacy there for an out-of-town visitor.

Do you have sake recommendations?

PS there isn’t actually snow left here, but spring does feel like it has actually arrived

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