"the dark throat of seeds"

Surviving - Leona Gom | Celsius | Davines

Surviving - Leona Gom

the smell of it
like warm vinegar,
it pushes through all
the burned-out places, the
logged-out places, crawls
from stumps, vines,
the dark throat of seeds,
from all the things
that know
how to hold
their breaths
and wait


I haven't really been an energy drink person since college, when I drank Sugar-Free Red Bull Cola (what a phrase), but I have spent the last three weeks becoming increasingly reliant on Celsius, an energy drink that is sort of marketed as a healthy bev? It certainly isn't. There is now also a mega-caffeine version that I think is meant to induce a heart attack.

I alluded to being at my sister's house in Madison in my last newsletter, and that is closely related to why my caffeine addiction is back in full force. I am working remotely and watching her little baby during the day, while she is busy being a doctor. A lot for everyone! The baby part is really delightful. Generally, I do not recommend also having what feels like the equivalent of six jobs spread across three adults who also want to just hang out with a baby and not consume Celsius like its keeping them alive. But the baby rocks so it's worth it. She's learning to sit up! I am going to spend the week trying to teach her her name.

I also spend all week thinking I am going to write a really good newsletter, and then I haven't been at all. So here's a medium quality one. That's what we (I) have the brain for at the moment.

Davines hair products

My brother-in-law keeps saying I smell good when I come upstairs from my lair in their basement, and my sister will then say, "She always smells good." I think it's my hair products most of the time. I have been pretty loyal to Davines for years, which is kind of fancy and from Italy, and it smells really good! The other day it was also my beloved D.S. & Durga Coriander.

Now playing via Spotify "daylist"

"tender dog tuesday morning"

Other things

Making dinner

I've been cooking dinner most nights here, and initially I was going to write a list of everything we've had so far, but honestly, I don't remember anymore.

Some hits have been:

  • A Trader Joe's ingredients only kale caesar pasta salad
  • Chickpea "shawarma" on fries
  • Fish tacos (great with the TJ's jicama wraps)
  • Orange rice with tofu
  • Rice bowls galore of other varieties
  • Mushroom smash burgers
  • Radish and butter on baguette
  • A snack of asparagus and white beans
  • A quiche made by request

Carts online (and in person!)

I ordered some stuff from GAP x Dôen. TBD we'll see what works.

i gotta figure out moving in july oh no

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