“The goddess of sweet memory is there”

June Fourth - Gerald Stern | Martha Stewart Ginger-Campari Punch

The Poem
June Fourth - Gerald Stern

The Beverage
Martha Stewart Ginger-Campari Punch

So Martha Stewart Living had this punch in it, which I made for a party last night!

As published:

4 bottles (each 12 ounces) cold lager
2 bottles (each 12 ounces) cold ginger beer
2/3 cup fresh lemon juice
4 ounces Campari
Ice and lemon wedges, for serving

You just mix all of it and serve it over the ice with the lemon wedges!

I didn’t have Campari, so I used Cappelletti, which is an amaro and similar to Aperol.

It was extremely good. The best person at every party is the person who shows up with a bag of ice.

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