“there my feelings were ash-gray”
Leaves Fell - Juhan Liiv | Water
The Poem
Leaves Fell - Juhan Liiv
A gust roused the waves,
leaves blew into the water,
the waves were ash-gray,
the sky tin-gray,
ash-gray the autumn.
It was good for my heart:
there my feelings were ash-gray,
the sky tin-gray,
ash-gray the autumn.
The breath of wind brought cooler air,
the waves of mourning brought separation:
autumn and autumn
befriend each other.
The Beverage
So I kind of forgot about how important basic hydration is lately. I kept having mysterious headaches. Turns out, drinking water is really good for just general being alive. Last year, I was drinking a gallon a day… Lately I’m lucky to have three glasses. I’m going to go have a glass of water. You may also benefit from one.