“& you never again you lovely you summer you everything that is now”
Endless Summer - Nate Pritts | Beer, Generally; The New Glarus Cases I Moved With Me Back To DC, Specifically
The Poem
Endless Summer - Nate Pritts
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It was the summer I fucked up the summer fucked up me
fucked up a fuck-up in the summer & I spent time laying under stars
too much time I wasted the stars you lied to me under the stars
& the summer was endless the summer endless it was an endless summer
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endless & I said things like “If I ever see you again”
but I’ll never see you again I never saw you again I made sure of that
& I circled the lake I went in circles the lake was endless it was
summer I fucked up too much time & I never saw you again & I
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circled & it was endless & the stars lied to me the summer
light moving so slowly I saw the summer light move endless
& when I see you the trees will cluster green rage green trees raging
with love endless love & I’ll never see you again I made sure of that
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wasted under the stars the slow summer light the endless fuck-up
& you never again you lovely you summer you everything that is now
never again whatever that may be the rage I loved me under the stars
then & now endless wasting away me haze wandering around endless
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haze it was endless too much time & you lied to me & I said things like
I can’t describe the air on my skin can you can you please I know it was
important & the light from stars moved so slowly & you moved off
forever how can you save everything everything important endless
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summer light the fuck-up the lake a circle circling the lake
how can you save everything how can I answer you the light of summer
stars I’m sorry for my light the endlessness of my endless & my fuck-up
the me that is now looking back & thinking & this summer circling
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The Beverage
Beer, Generally; The New Glarus Cases I Moved With Me Back To DC, Specifically
I’ve been living out of a suitcase for three weeks. It's all too much.
I promise I will stop skipping weeks and will do a better job describing beverages again, soon.
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